New Hosting Services for the Spring

With Spring on its way we thought it’d be fitting to launch some fresh packages to keep you within arms reach of your next website update. It may be time to add some new content, update a profile, or do a complete overhaul on your site, and we want to make it as easy as…
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Smart & Helpful Website Retainer Services for 2016

Put simply, our clients want to do more than just have a website. They want sites that do the most to showcase products, promote events, engage users, and convert visitors to paying customers. In order to do that your site must not only be designed well, but it must be kept in the best shape possible. For…
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3 Reasons Why You Must Have a Mobile Friendly Website

Original post from Grove Digital Marketing. “Do I need a mobile friendly website?” Have you asked yourself this question recently? Smart phones and other mobile devices are fast becoming the preferred method of Internet access; if you haven’t already got a mobile website, you need to get one soon. Why? Because your customers are increasingly going…
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3 Myths About Duplicate Content

The words “duplicate content penalty” strike fear in the hearts of marketers. People with no SEO experience use this phrase all the time. Most have never read Google’s guidelines on duplicate content. They just somehow assume that if something appears twice online, asteroids and locusts must be close behind. This article is long overdue. Let’s…
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What Goes Into a Solid Custom Website?

It’s a given that, in 2015, most people know you need a website for the product/service/cause you’re promoting. What they may not know is what goes into having a website that actually works — one that’s more than an online billboard for your business. Keep in mind, if what you need is simply is an online…
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