Avoid “The Hack” in a Few Steps

Last week we at BRNM experienced one of those dreaded, but avoidable headaches — the website hack. It happened  because one of our client websites was running an old version of WordPress in one of our shared hosting accounts. It was a pretty nasty  job. Once the hacker found his way in, he injected some…
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Should I Update?

It’s a question I get from clients all the time, and it’s a legitimate one. Most of the time, they want to avoid breaking things. We’ve all been there. I used to answer this by saying, “yes, you should”. Now I say, “yes, but it depends”. Depends on what? On whether or not you have a backups…
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Embedding Video in Your Posts is a Great Idea

There is no denying that now, more than ever, videos is the most effective way to communicate your message. To put it drolly, people don’t want to read. They want to be shown. And with all the noise out there, you have less time than ever to show them why they should choose you. So…
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