Smart & Helpful Website Retainer Services for 2016

Put simply, our clients want to do more than just have a website. They want sites that do the most to showcase products, promote events, engage users, and convert visitors to paying customers. In order to do that your site must not only be designed well, but it must be kept in the best shape possible. For…
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Avoid “The Hack” in a Few Steps

Last week we at BRNM experienced one of those dreaded, but avoidable headaches — the website hack. It happened  because one of our client websites was running an old version of WordPress in one of our shared hosting accounts. It was a pretty nasty  job. Once the hacker found his way in, he injected some…
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Should I Update?

It’s a question I get from clients all the time, and it’s a legitimate one. Most of the time, they want to avoid breaking things. We’ve all been there. I used to answer this by saying, “yes, you should”. Now I say, “yes, but it depends”. Depends on what? On whether or not you have a backups…
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